Tap to open Google maps 114 High Street

Tap to call03 520 3222

Opening hours
Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm

After hours and weekends
Marlborough Urgent Care Centre
8.00am to 5.00pm daily:
Tap to call: 03 520 6377

Tap to call: 0800 611 116

Make an Appointment Enrol With Us

Welcome to Picton Medical Centre

Picton Medical Centre is a busy semi-rural practice covering Picton and the Marlborough Sounds with access to Wairau Hospital and specialists located 25 minutes away in Blenheim. We also provide general practice services at the Royal New Zealand Air force Base at Woodbourne, located just outside Blenheim.

About us

We have been in our purpose built medical centre since November 2015 and can cater for up to 7000 patients. The facility includes a pharmacy, consulting rooms, a surgery room, a triage area and car parks for more than 20 patients.

We are proudly a family friendly clinic.

Services and fees